SD-SD eBook (CPRM Mandatory)
Valuable eBook application on SD memory card
The eBook application increases the value of SD-slotted mobile phones, tablets and other display devices. Publishers and readers alike will benefit from full-color, illustration-intensive books like graphic novels. Furthermore, SD-Separate Delivery provides flexible eBook content distribution models including pre-loaded SD memory card and key download.
Users need to use CPRM compliant SD memory cards for using SD-SD eBook.
Supported Formats
SD-SD eBook profiles include major eBook formats such as EPUB, XPS, XMDF and dotbook. Since SD-SD eBook profile supports not only readable text-only books, but also multimedia books, readers can enjoy the story enriched with vivid sound effects and live video streams. Image, plain text, sound, audio and video can be stored in the profile as components.